2014 000webhost.com free hosting review

Why 000webhost.com is becoming popular?
There are many sites offering free hosting services, 000webhost.com is one of them. There are many attractive features which they offer and the most valuable thing is its free of cost setup which includes a number of services like 1500 MB disk space, auto installations, multiple databases and many more. Hosting was never as easier as 000webhost.com has made it now.
The name of company 000webhost.com is derived from the term 0.00$ web host. It’s been observed that sites uploaded on this host are never down because of their 99% uptime which they guarantee. Moreover there is no any restriction in setting up the site like adverts, limitations of space, domain forwarding, email setups or database creation.
Overview of 000webhost.com services:
There are numerous services which are free of cost, where most paid sites are not offering such facilities. Here are few things:
Disk Space: You can avail a full fledge space of 1500MB for your site setup which is more than enough, in market many hosting providers are offering such space very costly.
Data Transfer: they are offering 100 GB per Month traffic exchange which is lot more for any medium sized sites whether its personal or business.
Add-on Domains: You can add on 5 domains, add on domains means you can run more of your 4 domains on the same hosting accounting and database server without any charges.
Sub domains: The limitation of sub domains is 5, normally sites use 2 subdomains like main site and a blog, but in medium sized sites, they are sub divided in subdomains.
E-main Addresses: you can use 5 email addresses on 000webhost.com hosted sites. There are multiple services which provide web based email checking like squirrel mail or fox mail, in premium hosting you can enjoy unlimited email addresses.
Free Domain: A sub domain of 000webhost is assigned if one is intended to but there is no .com/.net /.org /.info /.co.uk is provided.
Control Panel: A custom panel is assigned to the user for setting up options according to the desire. In premium account, a specific cPanel Pro is provided which is loaded with full customizable options.
Simple Site Builder: There are many site builders, like simple site builder and advanced site builder, in free account of 000webhost, only free is unlocked where as in premium services you can enjoy advanced site builder using which you can create websites of your choice in very deep level.
Support by Phone or Live Call: Only premium users are facilitated with this service, whenever a customer is facing any issue or unable to run the site properly, live call will solve out his problem in minutes. 000webhost support is extremely efficient and reliable.
Backups: Best part of free hosting is the backups, only 000webhost is offering this service in its free account where as many others are offering only in premium account. Even you can automate weekly backups.
Uptime: The uptime is 99.9% whether it’s free or premium. They have never compromised on their services and sites running on 000webhost servers are never penalized for being getting down.
FTP Accounts: In free account, only 1 FTP account is offered, where as in premium services one can create unlimited accounts.
Other Services: There are many other services like Email accounts, web mail, mailing lists, IMAP server, Auto installer, Custom Error pages, AWStat (Real Time Stats), Webalizer Stats, Password Protected Directories, Shared SSL and Private SSL which are mostly enabled in Premium and somehow limited in free account.
000Webhost.com is offering its free services for its valued customers because they want to tell others how prestigious and valuable their services are. When one is enough satisfied, can transfer his account to premium services to enjoy the complete snacks of its services. It is recommended to go for 000webhost.com rather than testing any other services and wasting time on other hosting services which offer 50% uptime in free and 90% in premium account.