2014 How to accelerate your site loading speed by CDN-comparison of maxCND and clouldflare

The truth is that Cloudflare and maxCND can accelerate your website loading speed; security and performance; protects your site against intruders and minimizes its loading time. All you need to do is to master the techniques; it is not a difficult task if you know the technical-know how.
Combining these two concepts to your site can really improve its performance. It will not take you more than 7 seconds to load successfully. If you do it well, your site can load within three to four seconds. This might sound magical or utopian, but it is true, and it is working for many.
If you give it a trial today, you will see that the results will truly be amazing. If you are using a shared hosting option, you will discover that struggling with your dedicated server option and site loading time seems to be a Herculean task, but the good news is that cloudflare and maxCDN will make the difference. At the end of the day, you will see that the difference will be glaring.
CDN simply means content delivery network; this is a technology that replicates the contents of your site to servers across the globe- it frees up your hosting server from doing dual- duty, namely serve the content and process the page.
It is optimized in a way that it can comfortably serve your static files like scripts, style sheets, page loads, no matter where your customers come from. Your site will be available to load much faster and can handle more traffic with content delivery network.
In this case, both the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and even you will appreciate the enhanced loading time.
There are so many choices out there, but the reason why people choose maxCDN is because; they are affordable. The annual price of $39.95 is nothing compared to the huge services it provides.
Besides working flawlessly, it can be implemented in less than fifteen minutes. Thirdly, it is an easy task to implement maxCDN with cloudflare. These are reasons why people love using CDN.
Just as we mentioned above, its cost is not much. If you are using its coupon, then all you needed to pay is about $30- the coupon offers you 25% off the initial price.
However you will pay additional charges if you wish to upload some files that are up to 10 MB or more. One thing is certain; any money spent here is an investment worth having.
People love using maxCDN for two great reasons; first the pricing is cheap, secondly they offer high quality service better than other competitors.
You need to implement maxCDN with cloudflare because; they are free systems that act as a substitute between your server and visitors. Cloudflare on its own improves the security of your website. Additionally, it helps you in saving a lot on your usage of bandwidth.
These two technologies are not opposing forces, rather they are complementary. When they are implemented, then your site will witness tremendous success- it will load at an astronomical pace.
Thus, if you have been dissatisfied with the loading speed of your website, and are currently seeking for a way out, you don’t have to worry because this is the best thing to do. Millions of people have used it in the past, and the results are quite amazing. If you are unhappy about the problems your site is having, then do things you should do.
Those that have done it in the past are happy about the outcomes. If your site loads in a speedy rate, it will generate more sales for you, and you will not be penalized by the search engines. Most often, search engines penalize those sites that crawl- a crawling site indicates that all is not well, and something urgent must be done as fast as possible.